How a CAS Project in Madrid will have a global impact

women goats uganda

How a CAS Project in Madrid will have a global impact

As many of you know – especially if you are in the International Baccalaureate field or your kids are – the CAS Project (Creativity, Activity, Service) is one of the key components of the IB Diploma Programme.

The idea is to encourage students to get involved in something creative & dig deep in themselves. To learn something new, to show initiative and grow in other ways, not just academically. And speaking to lots of IB teachers, I learned it can be a struggle for students to not only find the right project, but really make it stand out from the crowd.

A CAS Project with a difference

This year I’m particularly impressed by the CAS project of two students (Elena and Martina) of the THE GLOBAL COLLEGE, Madrid and wanted to tell you about it…

Boy with goat
Money raised will go towards buying a small herd of goats, building a shelter for them and training to help the local community

The Concept:
Together they decided to do something for their CAS that demonstrates real vision and passion. Elena, my daughter (proud mum moment), knew I worked with an ONG here in Spain called Kelele Africa (KA). Established 12 years ago (just like my business :-), KA founded a school in Uganda and Elena’s idea was to help this ONG with a sustainable farm project.

Furthermore, Martina who has a passion for singing and dancing, negotiated a special deal with her drama club The Glee Club Academy.

The Funding:
The Glee Club Academy produced “The Greatest Show” Musical here in Madrid from 21-25th June. The child stars were truly amazing. And thanks to owner Sonsoles & her team of actors, all proceeds for their final gig on Sunday 25th June went towards the girls’ project. They are so grateful to the Glee Club Academy stars, for their generosity in donating one of the performance days to the project.

Performance Greatest Show
The CAS project of a couple of the students of The Global College in Madrid not only entertained spectators but raised money for an important project in Uganda

The Project:
Money raised will go towards buying a small herd of goats, building a shelter for them and training to help the local community. It’s a sustainable project because the ladies who are chosen to look after the goat for the agreed 3 years, will ultimately have seven goats. Three of which they can keep and do with what they want. Most will sell them in order to buy a house for their family or send their older children to school. And the remaining goats are given back to the project for new chosen ladies of the communities.

Uganda Bound!

Finally, Elena & Martina, along with friend and pre-IB student Clara, will travel to Uganda in August to put the project into motion. Heartfelt thanks to all those who have already contributed to the cause ❤️.

Special thanks goes to Peter Odoi from Goat Project Uganda who shared his knowledge about the intricacies of buying and breeding goats in that part of the world. It’s not as straightforward as one might think! He has his own legacy project in the same country which you can read about here.

Peter Odoi from Goat Project Uganda has been incredibly supportive and helpful

My involvement? Well being minors, someone had to take them… so I get to be a volunteer too this summer 🙂

I’ll do a follow up post from Uganda and if you want to help, there is a “donate” button on – please enter “GLEE” and it will go directly to the CAS project.

Meanwhile if you’d like to find out more about how your child could benefit from studying abroad, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.