The many benefits a Transition Year will bring to your child
Giving your child the opportunity to experience personal growth is something you just can’t put a price on. And if you throw language acquisition into the mix then you’re onto a winner! And that’s why the TY – or Transition Year – is such a fundamental part of so many Irish families lives. It’s a fantastic way to help kids mature and develop new life skills to help them in their future.

I’ve been offering my personalised TY service since 2016 and I’m always delighted to see the effect it has on the students. It takes a certain amount of bravery to step outside of your comfort zone and live in a new country for a while – especially when it involves speaking a language different from your native tongue.
Bespoke TY Plans That Will Bring Out The Best In Your Child
I tailor plans for students in France and Spain. Or, if language acquisition isn’t high on their priorities, then I also offer incredible trips to Canada or Australia. And each experience can be as sporty, academic or cultural as the child wishes. From improving rugby skills in Spain, swim squad in Australia, through to skiing practice in Canada – kids can develop their maturity, life skills and make lifelong friends while learning about other cultures and ways of living. If a whole year is a bit too much for you or your child, or of they have other obligations in their Irish school for TY, then just a term or few weeks can be arranged too! There’s an option for every student and depending on length of time and objectives, I will assist in making the right choice for your child.

Well done to the class of 2023!
So bearing all this in mind, I want to congratulate the 2022-2023 students who came for a mixed amount of time, from a full year to various weeks. James, Cormac, Cillian, Julia, Zoe, Carlos, Tara, Hannah, Phillip, Eve, Ben, Lorcan, Lucy and Eabha made up the 14 fabulous students this year. Well done for leaving behind the safety and comfort of home and trying something completely different! The feedback that I received after the kids returned from their TY was resoundingly positive, with comments such as:
“We spoke to Ben properly at the airport for the 1st time in weeks. He really enjoyed the experience and played soccer after class with French and Intl students. He met lots of students his age and if it wasn’t for cricket he would loved to have stayed! Big thank you Mairi!”
“Thank u so much for looking after Julia so well. She had the best experience! And her host family were so so nice and kind to her all the time. T xx”
“Lorcan arrived home in one piece on Friday! Thankfully, there were no hiccups on the return trip (the french do like to strike!). He was delighted with his trip and loved his time in France. Thanks for all your work.”
Reach Out Today For Transition Year Details!
So whether your child wants to improve their language skills in France or Spain or prefers to opt for an English-based experience in Canada or Australia, reach out to find out what Transition Year possibilities are on offer. But hurry! Organising the perfect experience takes time – so make sure you avoid missing a great opportunity for your child and get in contact asap!